Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Praise the Lord, Saints. This morning, I received a word, or rather an instruction, from the Lord through another prophet of God. The Prophet said the enemy is very upset with me, and an attack has been sent against me to destroy my name and block me from moving forward in the things of God. It happens, especially when you are doing God’s business. No we shouldn’t try to see “the devil under every rock” or over-spiritualize daily life, but we will endure warfare. The instruction was to “Lay prostrate before the Lord" and to fast. The word confirmed what I have been hearing from God for myself. So, I received the word. After hanging up the phone, I asked God, "What exactly does it mean to “Lay prostrate before the Lord”?" I've heard this concept throughout my Christian life, but no one has ever explained what it means to where I would understand it. I'm always in prayer. I pray throughout the day. I'm always having a conversation with God. So, I ask God, "What does “Lay prostrate before the Lord” mean? Give me a clear understanding, so I can be obedient to what You are telling me."
There may be someone who has heard this instruction but needs a clear understanding of what it means to “Lay prostrate before the Lord.” God may be speaking to someone about their prayer life. As God's Shepherd, I don't want you to miss what God has for you, and I certainly don't want to miss what God has for me. Listen, Saints, I keep hearing in my spirit that this is not the time to play church or to be a part-time Christian. We need to be all-in, and we need to be obedient to God's voice. The days in which we live are critical, and the enemy is doing anything and everything he can to try to destroy us. So, we are going to talk about prayer. To prostrate oneself is a posture of prayer. It is the ultimate gesture of submission and surrender to God, symbolizing humility and acknowledgement of our unworthiness. It is a recognition of our need for God’s mercy. The Bible mentions "lying face down or prostrate" 131 times in relation to prayer or speaking with God, suggesting that it is an important practice for our benefit. There are several examples of people lying prostrate before God in prayer, including:
When we “lay prostrate before the Lord,” we lie flat on our face, or bow low and touch our face to the ground. No position symbolizes humility more than being on our face before God. For many Christians, prostration is a forgotten posture of prayer. While many Christians have replaced the traditional prayer posture of "laying prostrate before the Lord" with "heads bowed and eyes closed," Jesus never commands anyone to do so. He was more interested in their hearts than in their postures. Scripture indicates that Jesus looked up and kept His eyes open when He prayed (John 17:1, Mark 6:41, and Mark 7:34), and once, when He was about to go to the cross, He prayed with His face to the ground, humbling Himself before God (Matthew 26:39). Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that praying with ‘heads bowed and eyes’ closed is wrong or incorrect. God can and does hear our prayers in whatever position of our body, but the instruction was “Lay prostrate before the Lord.” I remind you that whenever God gives an instruction, we don't have to understand why; we just need to be obedient and do it because it is definitely for our own benefit, not for His. God has blessed us all with Jesus Christ, Pastor Angeline |
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