Dreams, Prophecies, Visions 2022 & 2021
Do you keep a prayer or spiritual journal? Have you ever journaled your dreams? A journal is a wonderful tool to use alongside your time spent with God to record what He specifically shows you and say to you. I am an intercessor and a seer. I love keeping a journal of my prayers, thoughts, prophetic words, scriptures, dreams and visions. I journal because I want to be able to see exactly what was going on during certain seasons of my life. What were the scriptures He was speaking to me? What was the LORD saying about my situation? When I record what God shares, I am able to return to a word, prophetic utterance, revelation of scripture, vision, or dream and meditate on what the Lord has spoken. If you are not keeping a journal, the powerful treasures the LORD is sharing with you, I encourage you to start. Here is my online Dreams Visions and Prophetic Words Journal which include some dreams and visions I have received that I am released to share.
July 10, 2022
So I was just dreaming that several packages were delivered at my house. They appeared to be for a friend who I haven't seen or heard from in while. I opened my door and brought them inside. Then I opened the door again and there were two extremely large white fishing rods on the porch. I called her and asked "did you send these packages to me?" I don't remember her responding but I got the feeling that she said yes and I said well these rods are much too large to try to ship to you. You guys will have to pick them up when you come in town and I woke up. But what was so amazing is how large the rods were. They were very large.
Sounds like an awesome dream. Fishing rods can relate to an evangalistic calling..…..fishers of men calling. If the rods are big, then it would be a ministry that either reels in a lot of souls, or catches some ”big fish” for the kingdom. Since everything is being delivered to your house, it may be that part of your calling is to help people with their giftings, that you are praying over/interceding, mentoring, etc. so that the giftings will be kept secure and when the time is right, those people will have what they need to be equipped to walk in what God has called them to do. --CB
Your friend could represent Jesus and has appointed you in evangelic ministry. Packages appeared to be from a friend who you haven't seen or heard from in a while - this could mean you're not spiritually communicating for a while for the reasons that maybe known by yourself. The large rods can mean you're assigned for a big mission. --SG
So I was just dreaming that several packages were delivered at my house. They appeared to be for a friend who I haven't seen or heard from in while. I opened my door and brought them inside. Then I opened the door again and there were two extremely large white fishing rods on the porch. I called her and asked "did you send these packages to me?" I don't remember her responding but I got the feeling that she said yes and I said well these rods are much too large to try to ship to you. You guys will have to pick them up when you come in town and I woke up. But what was so amazing is how large the rods were. They were very large.
Sounds like an awesome dream. Fishing rods can relate to an evangalistic calling..…..fishers of men calling. If the rods are big, then it would be a ministry that either reels in a lot of souls, or catches some ”big fish” for the kingdom. Since everything is being delivered to your house, it may be that part of your calling is to help people with their giftings, that you are praying over/interceding, mentoring, etc. so that the giftings will be kept secure and when the time is right, those people will have what they need to be equipped to walk in what God has called them to do. --CB
Your friend could represent Jesus and has appointed you in evangelic ministry. Packages appeared to be from a friend who you haven't seen or heard from in a while - this could mean you're not spiritually communicating for a while for the reasons that maybe known by yourself. The large rods can mean you're assigned for a big mission. --SG
June 7, 2022
Early this morning, I dreamed about my daughter, who has gone on to be with the Lord. In the dream, she had come back, and she was talking with me. I don't remember what we talked about but what I do remember is that as she was leaving, I asked her to stay a little longer. She said, “I can’t I have to go because they are planning a wedding for me and Ashley.” I was like a wedding? I tried to get her to stay so I could get more information but she left. The only Ashleys I know are my niece who passed away a couple of years before my daughter. Both my daughter and my niece were young when they passed away my daughter was 35 and Ashley was 26. The other Ashley I just met. She is the partner of my niece who is a homosexual. I dream a lot and some of them I remember but when I remember one so vividly, I always feel like there is something that God is trying to say to me so I'm praying about this dream. If you see anything would you share it with me please?
It sounds like your daughter and Ashley are in heaven and God is letting you know that the preparations for the wedding feast for Jesus and His Bride (s) is in the works. Since the dream was about your daughter, I would think it would not be about the other Ashley. --- CB
Early this morning, I dreamed about my daughter, who has gone on to be with the Lord. In the dream, she had come back, and she was talking with me. I don't remember what we talked about but what I do remember is that as she was leaving, I asked her to stay a little longer. She said, “I can’t I have to go because they are planning a wedding for me and Ashley.” I was like a wedding? I tried to get her to stay so I could get more information but she left. The only Ashleys I know are my niece who passed away a couple of years before my daughter. Both my daughter and my niece were young when they passed away my daughter was 35 and Ashley was 26. The other Ashley I just met. She is the partner of my niece who is a homosexual. I dream a lot and some of them I remember but when I remember one so vividly, I always feel like there is something that God is trying to say to me so I'm praying about this dream. If you see anything would you share it with me please?
It sounds like your daughter and Ashley are in heaven and God is letting you know that the preparations for the wedding feast for Jesus and His Bride (s) is in the works. Since the dream was about your daughter, I would think it would not be about the other Ashley. --- CB
May 3, 2022
Last night I dreamed that I was looking at a new house and I left but decided to go back and take another look. This time I checked out the back yard and the backyard was full of huge tree roots I guess from a huge tree. The roots we so big that I didn't notice the tree. On the back side of the tree roots was this big huge stream of gushing water that would run up to the house. I had an inspector come and check out if the water was causing damage and he said no it wasn't causing damage that it was actually making the house stronger.
INTERPRETATION: This dream is so delightful, and I felt peace as I read it. It means you are rooted and grounded in the Lord. Don't doubt your relationship with God and continue to plant seeds. The water is His love. I love this dream so much. Be blessed sis.
New house represent new life; change; revival; new move (naturally or Spiritual). Your dream of the new house and the roots of the trees bringing out water as a strength for the house are related. The roots which flow water to the house is about the overflow of support to you. As I type this I am receiving the scripture from Jeremiah 17:7-9 which says; "But I will bless the person who puts his trust in me; he will be like a tree growing near a stream and sending out roots to the water. It is not afraid when the hot weather comes; because its leaves stay evergreen; it has no worries when there is no rain; it keeps bearing fruits. So keep on trusting and relying on God and being prayerful; as tree planted by the river side. God will show you great things.
Trees can often represent people, but the fact that you were so focused on the roots represents the need for support for this new thing God is doing The gushing water representing the Holy Spirit Trust God. The tree roots represent people that are going to help make you stronger spiritually or come help you in the sense of obtaining this new house or this new beginning. These people are very strong and are going to support what God is doing in your life.
Sounds like you are buying into a heritage that is rooted deep in the things of God and there is a constant flow of the Spirit of God. -- CM
April 15, 2022
I HAVE HAD SEVERAL DREAMS OF MOVING INTO A NEW HOME. A few nights ago I dreamed I was looking at a new 3 bedroom home with a realtor. I looked at the home and told God I will take this one. When I told my sons, the oldest said how many square feet is it? I said to myself... he don't understand. And woke up.
NEXT DREAM: I dreamed I was moving into a new home, I believe in Florida. I was with a woman who I think was my sister. The home was in a multifamily area that seemed like fourplexes, and it seemed like a government housing project. Kind of reminded me of the housing project where we lived in Miami. This unit was on the end of the fourplex and there was a big area in the center that had grass and sidewalks going to other fourplex units. I remember thinking that I was not going to like this place. I also thought about some things I had left at my old home, particularly a wrought iron patio set and some things in the closets. When I mentioned going back to get my things, the woman with me snarled “why do you need to go back and get that thing anyway?” I said because they have value to me.
New home is your spiritual home, not an earthly home. Your sister could mean your spiritual sister. The Bible says Mat 24:17-18: Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
These are end times. Put no value in earthly things where moth & rust corrupts & devours, but seek God & His Kingdom first. Trust in the Lord & lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge HIM. The woman got upset because you wanted to go back into your past and bring something that you put value on, but we are not suppose to bring the past with us. New home is your spiritual home not a earthly home.. your sister could mean your spiritual sister.
I HAVE HAD SEVERAL DREAMS OF MOVING INTO A NEW HOME. A few nights ago I dreamed I was looking at a new 3 bedroom home with a realtor. I looked at the home and told God I will take this one. When I told my sons, the oldest said how many square feet is it? I said to myself... he don't understand. And woke up.
NEXT DREAM: I dreamed I was moving into a new home, I believe in Florida. I was with a woman who I think was my sister. The home was in a multifamily area that seemed like fourplexes, and it seemed like a government housing project. Kind of reminded me of the housing project where we lived in Miami. This unit was on the end of the fourplex and there was a big area in the center that had grass and sidewalks going to other fourplex units. I remember thinking that I was not going to like this place. I also thought about some things I had left at my old home, particularly a wrought iron patio set and some things in the closets. When I mentioned going back to get my things, the woman with me snarled “why do you need to go back and get that thing anyway?” I said because they have value to me.
New home is your spiritual home, not an earthly home. Your sister could mean your spiritual sister. The Bible says Mat 24:17-18: Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out of his house. And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
These are end times. Put no value in earthly things where moth & rust corrupts & devours, but seek God & His Kingdom first. Trust in the Lord & lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge HIM. The woman got upset because you wanted to go back into your past and bring something that you put value on, but we are not suppose to bring the past with us. New home is your spiritual home not a earthly home.. your sister could mean your spiritual sister.
January 17, 2022
I dreamed I was in church and someone was at the front praying I was sitting in the congregation, and I was praying with them in tongues under my breath. I was not loud and no one could really hear me. The assistant pastor came up to me and asked me to stop praying and to come to the back with her. She said that I was disturbing the service. I was praying in tongues, but I was praying under my breath and no one could have heard it but me and the Lord, so I didn't understand why she was saying I was disturbing the service. I grabbed my things and said no worries I will leave, and I won't be back, I'm done here. This is the second dream that I've had of this assistant pastor trying to stop me from doing what the Lord has said for me to do.
1st dream
Last week I dreamed I was leading worship in church, I don't know whose church it was, but I was doing worship and it was awesome. The Holy Spirit was there doing a great work. We had been worshiping for a while and I kept listening for when to stop, but He kept going. I guess Holy Spirit was taking too long, or they thought I was taking too long because this female who I believe was Asst. Pastor came and took the mic out of my hand and her and another female began to pray ....and I sensed that the Holy Spirit wasn't done and wanted to say that. Then I noticed that when they were praying, no words were coming out. And the Holy Spirit began to sing through me ... my God is alive and well, my God. My God is alive and well, my God. My God is alive and well, and He's gonna to whip your tail, devil. My God is alive and well. my God. Then I woke up.
INTERPRETATION: This dream is the HOLY SPIRIT REVEALING WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE CHURCHES. It is about me. It is showing you the religious spirit in the church shutting down the moving of the Holy Spirit!
God has given you a mantle of the gift of the Holy Spirit. You know this. He has called you to lead with it and the religious spirit does NOT LIKE IT. It will try to stop it through an individual. That person thinks that they have a mantle but have not been called by the spirit of God. That is why The Spirit of God caused them not to be heard. Quite possibly a religious spirit held by their own vain, self-pride. Watch now, you will see it in reality now that he showed you in the dream.
the Holy Spirit speaking to you in your dreams!!!
Showing you the religious spirit in the church shutting down the moving of the Holy Spirit!Watch now, you will see it in reality now that he showed you in the dream.
I disagree with the person who said you have a spirit of rejection- that’s the enemy mode of operation . This dream is the HOLY SPIRIT REVEALING WHATS GOING ON IN THE CHURCHES. Its not about you.
I dreamed I was in church and someone was at the front praying I was sitting in the congregation, and I was praying with them in tongues under my breath. I was not loud and no one could really hear me. The assistant pastor came up to me and asked me to stop praying and to come to the back with her. She said that I was disturbing the service. I was praying in tongues, but I was praying under my breath and no one could have heard it but me and the Lord, so I didn't understand why she was saying I was disturbing the service. I grabbed my things and said no worries I will leave, and I won't be back, I'm done here. This is the second dream that I've had of this assistant pastor trying to stop me from doing what the Lord has said for me to do.
1st dream
Last week I dreamed I was leading worship in church, I don't know whose church it was, but I was doing worship and it was awesome. The Holy Spirit was there doing a great work. We had been worshiping for a while and I kept listening for when to stop, but He kept going. I guess Holy Spirit was taking too long, or they thought I was taking too long because this female who I believe was Asst. Pastor came and took the mic out of my hand and her and another female began to pray ....and I sensed that the Holy Spirit wasn't done and wanted to say that. Then I noticed that when they were praying, no words were coming out. And the Holy Spirit began to sing through me ... my God is alive and well, my God. My God is alive and well, my God. My God is alive and well, and He's gonna to whip your tail, devil. My God is alive and well. my God. Then I woke up.
INTERPRETATION: This dream is the HOLY SPIRIT REVEALING WHAT’S GOING ON IN THE CHURCHES. It is about me. It is showing you the religious spirit in the church shutting down the moving of the Holy Spirit!
God has given you a mantle of the gift of the Holy Spirit. You know this. He has called you to lead with it and the religious spirit does NOT LIKE IT. It will try to stop it through an individual. That person thinks that they have a mantle but have not been called by the spirit of God. That is why The Spirit of God caused them not to be heard. Quite possibly a religious spirit held by their own vain, self-pride. Watch now, you will see it in reality now that he showed you in the dream.
the Holy Spirit speaking to you in your dreams!!!
Showing you the religious spirit in the church shutting down the moving of the Holy Spirit!Watch now, you will see it in reality now that he showed you in the dream.
I disagree with the person who said you have a spirit of rejection- that’s the enemy mode of operation . This dream is the HOLY SPIRIT REVEALING WHATS GOING ON IN THE CHURCHES. Its not about you.
January 9, 2022
I dreamed that my son who is in the US army was captured by the enemy. In the dream I saw him sitting on the floor eyes blindfolded, hands bound behind and his feet were bound. In the dream when I saw it I shouted loose him and let him go in the name of Jesus and I woke up.
It means exactly what it says. It was spiritual. Your son is in captivity of the devil. God gave you this dream for to walk in your authority. Matthew 16:19. I give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bind in Heaven. Whatever you loose on earth. Shall be loose in Heaven. Your spirit man was already praying now you need to pray physically for your sons by binding and loosing him out of the hands of Satan’s captivity. When you use the authority in Jesus name, Satan has to loose your son. Keep on praying for him/his safety. You are his intercessor. God answers your prayers. The enemy in the dream is the devil he starts by switching off your divine connection (blindfolding you) before finishing you off (winning your soul). With your prayers and the faith you have no weapons formed against him shall prosper (he shall be set free indeed).
These verses came to me: It is finished! John 19:30 and Rev.21:6 it is done, and Prov 24:3 Through wisdom is a house built; and by understanding it is established. Therefore all that YOU have spoken regarding YOUR son is done/finished and established. Do not fear.
Mk.11:36 overhearing but IGNORING what they (faithless people) said, JESUS said, "do not be afraid, ONLY. BELIEVE. ME."
I dreamed that my son who is in the US army was captured by the enemy. In the dream I saw him sitting on the floor eyes blindfolded, hands bound behind and his feet were bound. In the dream when I saw it I shouted loose him and let him go in the name of Jesus and I woke up.
It means exactly what it says. It was spiritual. Your son is in captivity of the devil. God gave you this dream for to walk in your authority. Matthew 16:19. I give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever you bind on Earth will be bind in Heaven. Whatever you loose on earth. Shall be loose in Heaven. Your spirit man was already praying now you need to pray physically for your sons by binding and loosing him out of the hands of Satan’s captivity. When you use the authority in Jesus name, Satan has to loose your son. Keep on praying for him/his safety. You are his intercessor. God answers your prayers. The enemy in the dream is the devil he starts by switching off your divine connection (blindfolding you) before finishing you off (winning your soul). With your prayers and the faith you have no weapons formed against him shall prosper (he shall be set free indeed).
These verses came to me: It is finished! John 19:30 and Rev.21:6 it is done, and Prov 24:3 Through wisdom is a house built; and by understanding it is established. Therefore all that YOU have spoken regarding YOUR son is done/finished and established. Do not fear.
Mk.11:36 overhearing but IGNORING what they (faithless people) said, JESUS said, "do not be afraid, ONLY. BELIEVE. ME."
February 6, 2021
Last night I dreamed that my daughter, who is in heaven with the Lord, went to Hawaii to work. My son, who is estranged from me, lives in Hawaii. The night before last, I dreamed that my son was looking for me, and when he found me, he ran up and hugged me and said, "Mama, I couldn't find you, and I was scared.
INTERPRETATION: Wow, those sound like comforting dreams. Regarding the first, I think God wants you to be encouraged about God working in your estranged son's life. Continue to pray and seek others to join you in praying that this relationship will soon come back together. Fight the good fight; don’t lose faith. God is on your side. Don’t ever lose hope. -- GB
Well, I believe this is the interpretation concerning your dreams: The LORD is doing a great work in your family by ensuring that you are reconciled to your son. This will happen in such a way that your son will be the one to look for you in order to regain the lost relationship you both had as Mother and Child in the past. This, as well, is intended to happen so that he may obtain blessings from you as well. As a mother who hasn't been relating with your son for some time, you should pray that what you saw in your dream becomes your reality. At this point, he needs your blessings to move on with life; that's why the dream portrayed him as one who is scared.
Your daughter who is in Heaven with the LORD that did come to Hawaii to work, simply means that the LORD has His focus on the entirety of your family, for He has begun His work, and He will accomplish it. -- KN
Last night I dreamed that my daughter, who is in heaven with the Lord, went to Hawaii to work. My son, who is estranged from me, lives in Hawaii. The night before last, I dreamed that my son was looking for me, and when he found me, he ran up and hugged me and said, "Mama, I couldn't find you, and I was scared.
INTERPRETATION: Wow, those sound like comforting dreams. Regarding the first, I think God wants you to be encouraged about God working in your estranged son's life. Continue to pray and seek others to join you in praying that this relationship will soon come back together. Fight the good fight; don’t lose faith. God is on your side. Don’t ever lose hope. -- GB
Well, I believe this is the interpretation concerning your dreams: The LORD is doing a great work in your family by ensuring that you are reconciled to your son. This will happen in such a way that your son will be the one to look for you in order to regain the lost relationship you both had as Mother and Child in the past. This, as well, is intended to happen so that he may obtain blessings from you as well. As a mother who hasn't been relating with your son for some time, you should pray that what you saw in your dream becomes your reality. At this point, he needs your blessings to move on with life; that's why the dream portrayed him as one who is scared.
Your daughter who is in Heaven with the LORD that did come to Hawaii to work, simply means that the LORD has His focus on the entirety of your family, for He has begun His work, and He will accomplish it. -- KN
April 15, 2021
I dreamed I was moving into a new home—I believe in Florida. I was with a woman who I think was my sister. The home was in a multifamily area that seemed like fourplexes, and it seemed like a government housing project. It kind of reminded me of the housing project where we lived in Miami. This unit was on the end of the fourplex, and there was a big area in the center that had grass and sidewalks going to other fourplex units. I remember thinking that I was not going to like this place. I also thought about some things I had left at my old home, particularly a wrought iron patio set and some things in the closets. When I mentioned going back to get my things, the woman with me snarled, "Why do you need to go back and get that thing anyway?" I said because they have value to me.
I dreamed I was moving into a new home—I believe in Florida. I was with a woman who I think was my sister. The home was in a multifamily area that seemed like fourplexes, and it seemed like a government housing project. It kind of reminded me of the housing project where we lived in Miami. This unit was on the end of the fourplex, and there was a big area in the center that had grass and sidewalks going to other fourplex units. I remember thinking that I was not going to like this place. I also thought about some things I had left at my old home, particularly a wrought iron patio set and some things in the closets. When I mentioned going back to get my things, the woman with me snarled, "Why do you need to go back and get that thing anyway?" I said because they have value to me.
May 3, 2021
Last night I dreamed that I was looking at a new house and I left but decided to go back and take another look. This time I checked out the backyard and it was full of huge tree roots, I guess from a huge tree. The roots we so big that I didn't notice the tree, and on the back side of the tree roots was this big, huge stream of gushing water that would run up to the house. I had an inspector come and check if the water was causing damage to the house. He said no it wasn't causing damage, that it was actually making the house stronger.
Interpretation: Jeremiah 17—But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. A heritage that is rooted deep in the things of God and there is a constant flow of the Spirit of God.
Last night I dreamed that I was looking at a new house and I left but decided to go back and take another look. This time I checked out the backyard and it was full of huge tree roots, I guess from a huge tree. The roots we so big that I didn't notice the tree, and on the back side of the tree roots was this big, huge stream of gushing water that would run up to the house. I had an inspector come and check if the water was causing damage to the house. He said no it wasn't causing damage, that it was actually making the house stronger.
Interpretation: Jeremiah 17—But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. A heritage that is rooted deep in the things of God and there is a constant flow of the Spirit of God.