At the time when I originally wrote this, both my sons were in the military and were often overseas at the same time. They were always stationed so far away, and I had been praying for them to move closer to God and closer to home.
My oldest son had four children. Three of them I had not seen in quite a while, and I had a new granddaughter that I'd never seen. I really wanted to be able to see my grandchildren more. Every time they crossed my mind, I would thank God for bringing them home. If I don't know anything else, I know that God loves us and answers prayer!
This is a dream and a word I received from God on January 8th, 2011 ....
I dreamed last night that there was a banquet celebration and the auditorium was packed with thousands of people. I did not know at the time that it was a celebration for prodigals and their families. There were three men on the platform. Two were sitting, and one was standing at the microphone, speaking. I instantly noticed one of the young men’s shoes and recognized them as my son's. I said, "Those are my son’s shoes," and I went running through the crowd of people to get to the front to see if it was really him. When I got there, I looked in my son's face. It was really him, and he looked like a totally different person. He was so happy, like joy just surrounded him. The young man at the mic opened up with a prayer and then said, "Welcome everyone to the Prodigals Conference Celebration." People were shouting and celebrating, waving flags, blowing horns, and throwing confetti in the air. It was an awesome scene. I woke up and praised God for the dream and asked what it meant.
This is what I heard:
Spread the word… to those who are waiting on a prodigal to come home, they are on their way. I am ordering their steps right now. They are on their way home. Praise God for their return! Get their robe and ring ready, they are on their way home! Halleluiah! … Please share this with those waiting. TESTIMONY: Two days after that dream, I got a text from my son saying that he was being stationed two hours away. They moved into their new home and I cannot tell you the joy I have despite what it looks like. TESTIMONY: I received this testimony from one of the people I shared the word with. This is what she had to say. Please note: I do not post it for any glory, but as confirmation that "God still confirms the word He speaks to His prophets" and that "the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much!" Her testimony : Praise be to God, for He has answered my prayer. My son re-dedicated his life back to Jesus. Thank you, Angeline, for standing with me in prayer. He told me today that he read your message: Is Hell Real? Is Heaven Real...? Does Life Continue After Death?. He said that article and the prayer, he prayed to God was what led him to give his life to Jesus on today. I wasn't able to be at Church today, but I heard it was an AWESOME service. While he was at Church, I prayed for him asking the Lord to let something be said through the word or something done, that would lead him back into his presence. God has truly answered my prayer. Anyhow, he sends his thanks to you for that message that helped him make the decision. Love, in Christ Jesus! DM
Although God gave this word to me in 2011, the word still stands. If you have a prodigal receive the word that God gave. I want to agree with you for them. Submit a prayer request and I will agree with you in prayer.
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