The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available — dynamic in its working. (James 5:16 AMP) I was asked: “how many times should I pray the same prayer?” “When we repeat prayers, are we praying ‘vain repetitions?’ “Is this an example not having faith?” The world will tell you that things and people will bring you happiness, so seek after happiness. Many individuals spend their lives searching for their ideal partner, pursuing material possessions such as a large house or an expensive car, with the hope that these possessions will bring them happiness. This is especially true for those who grew up without these things.
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Glory to God! Praise the Lord, Saints. This morning, I received a word, or rather an instruction, from the Lord through another prophet of God. The Prophet said the enemy is very upset with me, and an attack has been sent against me to destroy my name and block me from moving forward in the things of God. It happens, especially when you are doing God’s business. No we shouldn’t try to see “the devil under every rock” or over-spiritualize daily life, but we will endure warfare.
As many of you know, I wrote the book "Put the Word In Your Mouth" in 2018. Even though I wrote the book and shared what God shared with me about praying and speaking His Word, I want you to understand that changing the way you speak is a process. Things happen, we get frustrated, and sometimes we just are not aware of the things that come out of our mouths out of habit, and that's what I want to talk about.
I just had a disturbing dream: I was riding in a car with some people. I was in the back seat. We passed a store, and there was a little girl in the breezeway on the ground, and a man was over her fondling her. When I saw it, I thought to myself, "Oh my gosh, did I just see what I saw?"
For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21 NKJV)
Romans 1:17 says, “the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.” What is the Righteousness of God? Back in 2020, I posted the following post in my Facebook group: Do you believe in Angels? Do you believe you've ever encountered one/some? What happened? One sister in Christ commented:
Scripture says the Word of God is living. This means that it has a life of its own. The Word of God is the most powerful thing in the universe. Jesus described the Word of God as a seed. Seed grows and bears fruit because it is alive.
![]() As Christians, we are fortunate in that our Father God is the owner of all riches and wealth. He has given us everything that we need that pertains to life and godliness. He is the provider of wealth and prosperity. Even knowing this, unfortunately, there’s a misconception among many Christians that it’s unspiritual or ungodly to be wealthy. Understanding your identity in Christ is essential to living your life the way He intended. Your identity in Christ is different from your personal identity, which is commonly defined by your education, economic worth or social status, title (Mom, Dad, Doctor, Teacher, etc.), personality traits, hobbies, likes and dislikes, are all facts about you that change throughout your life, not your identity.
According to Matthew 6:14-15, a person who doesn't forgive others will not be forgiven by God. That’s a dangerous place to be that will ultimately lead to death — spiritually and physically if not dealt with! Peter, Jesus’ disciple, asked about forgiveness. Look what Jesus said:
God is the Great Physician. God's Word is medicine. God’s word contains the capacity to produce healing for any weakness or sickness in your body, mind, or emotions, finances, family, marriage, etc. God's medicine works by taking His Word into your being.
Jesus said in John 10:10 that Satan comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. His native language is lie (John 8:44). He has been trying to deceive man since the Garden through a clever line of reasoning.
Are going through some challenges, setbacks, or dark moments in life? Have you been searching high and low for your breakthrough? I want you to know that what you're going through is just a phase, a process. When everything that can go wrong goes wrong, you are on the brink of breakthrough!
Not too long ago, I got word that someone who is very dear to me was doing very badly. He was strung out on drugs and living in an abandoned garage. As I heard this heartbreaking news, all I could think of was the prodigal son living in the hog pen. I was reminded that the prodigal son came to himself and went home. I began to pray for my dear loved one, that he would return to himself and to Jesus, who would not cast him out but would welcome him with open arms.
So many people I know are going through divorce, have lost their jobs, the death of loved ones, cancer and other illnesses. Often times like this bring questions like, 'Why did God allow this to happen?' 'Why doesn't He fix it?'
In Bible study at my church, we are studying the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. Last night we looked at the first three commandments. For me, the study was very good and enlightening. God highlighted so many points last night that I wanted to come home and study again. I want to share what God brought out to me.
Praise the Lord!!! This year is moving right along, some may say very quickly, and some may say not fast enough with all the drama going on! But Halleluiah here we are, we made it to August, the 8th month of the year.
If you are an African American, you’ve probably heard, or you may even believe something like: Christianity is a white man’s religion, created to keep black people in bondage, plantation owners indoctrinated slaves with their bibles to support slavery and keep the slaves in bondage. You have probably heard, or maybe even believe, that religion is just a way of controlling masses of people. Since I have loved ones who believe this way, I wanted to do some research for myself to see if there is any truth to what I keep hearing and where this belief comes from. I was surprised by what I found.
Communion is the tradition of receiving bread and wine observed by billions around the world, known as Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, and the Eucharist. Even though there are denominational differences, communion is a sacred time for followers of Jesus. In most churches, it is done monthly, usually on the 1st Sunday.
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