In June 2008 I had a dream of a man riding a horse running through the land blowing a trumpet and announcing ― revival in the land, revival in the land, revival in the land! You've probably heard the story of the midnight ride of Paul Revere, where he went running through the streets shouting ― the British are coming, the British are coming. Well, that is how it sounded.
At that time, I had never heard of a Clarion Call, but when I awoke, I instantly knew that the rider was a messenger of God and that the sound of the trumpet was a clarion call. The messenger was running through the land making an announcement, summoning the people of God to rise up, get back on the wall, and carry the news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
I sensed that I was not the only one who heard this urgent message that morning. I woke up excited and sought God on the meaning of the dream. Since then, I've spoken with others who had similar dreams and visions right around the same time. A couple of days later, I received a word and instruction from God. God ended our conversation that morning with the words, “My daughter, Cyrus”. I was surprised that He called me Cyrus. I didn't know what or who Cyrus was. I believe when God speaks something we don't understand, He wants us to study and pray about what He is talking about, so I researched to see what Cyrus means. According to the Bible, Cyrus the Great was a Persian king who reigned over Persia between 539--530 BC. Cyrus was not a follower of the God of the Bible. He was a pagan king used by God to help His people. God often uses people we would never imagine He would use to bless His children. Isaiah prophesied some 150 years before Cyrus would come to power that God would use him to restore them to their land and that Jerusalem would be rebuilt. It was under his rule that the Jews were first allowed to return to Israel after 70 years of captivity. "Thus says the Lord to His anointed, Cyrus, whose right hand I have held—to subdue nations before him and loose the armor of kings, to open before him the double doors, so that the gates will not be shut." Isaiah 45:1 Isaiah 45:4-7 - The Message: God’s Message to his anointed, to Cyrus, whom he took by the hand to give the task of taming the nations, of terrifying their kings—He gave him free rein, no restrictions: "I’ll go ahead of you, clearing and paving the road. I’ll break down bronze city gates, smash padlocks, kick down barred entrances. I’ll lead you to buried treasures, secret caches of valuables--Confirmations that it is, in fact, I, God, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.It’s because of my dear servant Jacob, Israel, my chosen, that I’ve singled you out, called you by name, and given you this privileged work. And you don’t even know me! I am God, the only God there is. Besides me, there are no real gods. I’m the one who armed you for this work, though you don’t even know me, so that everyone, from east to west, will know that I have no god-rivals. I am God, the only God there is. I form light and create darkness, I make harmonies and create discords. I, God, do all these things." In the first year of his reign, to fulfill the message preached by Jeremiah, God moved Cyrus to make an official announcement throughout his kingdom; he wrote it out as follows: "From Cyrus, king of Persia, a proclamation: God, the God of the heavens, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth. He has also assigned me to build him a temple of worship at Jerusalem, in Judah. All who belong to God’s people are urged to return—and may your God be with you! Move forward!" (2 Chronicles 36:22-23-MSG) In Isaiah 44:28, Cyrus is referred to as God's "shepherd", and in Isaiah 44:28 and Isaiah 45:13, he is referred to as "His anointed". Clearly, Cyrus was a type and shadow of Jesus Christ. Isaiah writes that God would dry up the rivers, open doors, and level mountains for Cyrus and give him hidden treasures so that he could subdue nations. (Isaiah 45) Isaiah chapters 44 and 45 have always comforted me. God has given me these passages for years as an exodus word whenever I became discouraged. However, I had never done a study on Cyrus until that day. Now I have a new revelation of this scripture. That day, God again confirmed my call. He has anointed me to issue a decree of liberation to the lost. He has anointed me as a shepherd. God has "dried up" the rivers and barriers, and the double doors are opened before me, and the gates will not be shut. I am truly excited, grateful and honored that God would even save me, let alone anoint me to carry out His will! I’ve since learned that a clarion is a trumpet whose tones are sharp, forceful, and clear, such as what I heard that morning. In the Bible, trumpet calls were associated with the calling of a holy assembly, a warning of danger, or the arrival of a king. Of course, this isn't the first time a clarion call has gone out. For years, God has been embedding in me the urgency of the need to share the gospel with the lost. This urgency is what propels missionaries to all corners of the earth, and what drives those of the five-fold ministry to boldly step out and accept the call from God to preach the Gospel and set captives free. Jesus is coming. Our responsibility as part of His army is to occupy until He comes. Although there is a smorgasbord of doctrines of devils all around us, God's Grace much more abounds. As in the days of Acts, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is being preached and the Word of God is cutting asunder the religious and pharisaic mumbo-jumbo. Strongholds are being broken and people are being set free from mindsets that have held them captive! The people of God are experiencing breakthrough like never before in every area because they are learning the Truth of Jesus Christ and who they are in Him! The lost are coming to Christ in record numbers. This is what the Lord has shown. He said it! I believe it! And it is so! No other "god" can do this! Only the Most High, the Almighty Sovereign God, can take a sinful man, even one who has never even desired a relationship with Him and cause them to come to repentance, to do His will and bring about His purpose. In John 4:35, Jesus tells us to open our eyes,"... and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest." There is much, much work to be done in this great harvest. I pray that you too are sensing the urgency of the time and paying attention to the clarion call. I pray that you recognize the strategic position to which God has called you to. You have the world-shattering power and anointing to change the course of lives, cities, and nations within you because you are in Christ. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower And bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:9-11 (NKJV) |
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