The pain of losing a child is indescribable. It is the grief that keeps on grieving. I’ve been through some tough times, but I never imagined the rollercoaster of emotions that comes with the loss of a child. Probably because I never imagined that a child of mine would leave before me.
Hello Beloved, I would like to take just a moment and share with you my heart.... On Monday, December 30th, 2013 at 2 pm, my daughter, Pastor Eboni Davis, completed her pilgrimage here on earth and transitioned back to her heavenly home.
My precious daughter was a faithful wife, a devoted mother, a loving sister, a caring aunt, cousin, and dear friend. She is loved by many and will be missed by us all. No words can fully describe the true essence of Eboni's character, but I will share just a few. Eboni was a fervent praying woman who never wavered from the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; her words were always seasoned with grace; her faith was steadfast and built on the foundation of Jesus's finished work on the Cross; her fiery preaching captivated us all, and her vibrant smile would brighten up your day. There were such kind words spoken about my baby at her going home celebration. The way Eboni touched people in her short 35 years is absolutely amazing. I guess when you are living it (the life of Christ) and not concerned about anything but his people you really don’t realize or pay attention to the impact that you are having on others. Even today people speak about her love for the Lord and how tangible His love was for others to feel and experience through her. And they always add, "Angeline that came from you. She learned that from you. She is so much like you." As she got older, I could really see a lot of me in her. Both of us made decisions that were not so good, but the greatest decision we both made was to place our faith in and follow Christ. I am so grateful that she made that decision because I know that although she is not here, I also know it’s not over, it’s just beginning. At times, we both took a lot of flack from loved ones and friends because of our faith, but we both understood who the fight is truly with, and that Christ has already won that victory. Knowing this brings an unexplainable confidence that it will all work out. Like me, Eboni was bold and didn’t mix words. We bumped heads so to speak, at times. I guess because we were so much alike, but I understood her. She truly did want the best for others and it grieved her when she saw people doing things contrary to who they are. Like me, her primary prayer was that everyone we know would come to know Christ, be saved. After the service at the grave site a man came up to me and said, “Ms. Angeline, if I had not known Eboni, I would have thought the people were talking about someone who had lived 90 years.” That is an awesome testament of her life. Even at 35 she lived a rich and full life on earth and finished her course well. Jesus was 33 and lived a rich, full life on earth and now He is our Savior who ever intercedes on our behalf. Eboni of course is not our Savior, but I do believe that she has come into total agreement with what Christ intercedes for me, her kids, her brothers, her husband, and the world.
As you know life can throw you some pretty big curveballs but when you know that you are a child of God you can trust that God will take care of you. Please get serious about getting close to Christ and learning of Him. This world is getting increasingly worse and if He doesn’t take you out of here you are going to need Him more than you can ever imagine. Paul said, "For when I am weak, then I am strong". Oh my gosh, this is so true. All this week I have felt as if I could not move, as if I had no strength because I didn’t… but God’s grace is so amazing, so powerful and it has literally carried me, my sons, my grand babies and my son-in-law and God will continue to carry us. I want so much for each of you to know a love and a grace like that. Please don’t take moments with your loved ones for granted. I am not saying this because I have regrets… I have none… I am not saying this because I took the moments with my daughter for granted… I didn’t… I am saying this because I don’t want you to have any regrets. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy, don’t let him steal the love and time you have with your loved ones.
Our time here on earth is short...
God brought you here for a reason. It doesn't matter how you were conceived, you have a purpose for being here. The root of your purpose here is to believe on Jesus Christ, receive His Life in you and then share His Good News with others so that they may come to know Him too. What you are supposed to do while doing that I don’t know, but God through His precious Holy Spirit will show you if you ask. So, get with Christ, learn of Him, talk to Him and let Him show you what you are to do. Remember I told you this… things are about to get really ugly in this world. Don't believe the hype you hear about things getting better, Satan is angry and is doing all he can to steal you and your loved one's soul… don’t let him do it! Get with Jesus... life goes on after you leave the earth... it's up to you where you spend eternity. I want to see you in heaven and give you a big hug, and join hands with you and praise God... Let's do this.... Let's get our loved ones saved. I love you Prophetess Angeline |
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